Monthly Archives: May 2013

Otca’s Monkey Kit Lets You Hang Your iPad Wherever You Want

Want to hang your iPad from a tree limb?  Too far out? How about on your microphone so you can see your play list, or on the tripod of your camera? Otca has created the Monkey Kit, a unique product that lets you safely hang your iPad anywhere you can wrap a heavy duty “tail” […]

3D print your life

3D printed skulls. 3D printed candy. 3D printed cars. With growing enthusiasm from industries ranging from medicine to aerospace for its uses in rapid manufacturing and prototyping, the possibilities for 3D printing seem endless. 3D printing has existed in the manufacturing world since the 1980s, and has captured widespread attention within the last five years. […]

Science helps craft the perfect mac and cheese

Imagine your favorite cheese: perhaps an aged, sharp cheddar, or maybe a blue Gorgonzola or a gentle Monterey Jack. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to use those really good cheeses you love on nachos or as a sauce on macaroni or steamed vegetables? But if you have ever tried melting high-quality cheeses, you’ve experienced the problem: […]

Ground Zero — Keeping for keeps

Yes, I got my parents’ house cleared out all right. I sold, salvaged, saved and scrapped, all to get the old homestead cleaned up and on the market. The place was pristine. All new interior paint and finishes screamed fresh start for the next home owner, except … for the garage. That was the way […]